A spot of bother

There was a moment of hesitation, with the Bureau predicting wild weather, winds, hail and the possibility of a light dusting of snow. We had been sitting on the fence, wondering whether to proceed or not, but decisions were taken out of our hands. Eternity stretched out forever as the wall collapsed around us. Death looked remarkably uncomplicated, it just happened, bumph, there we were, squished and flattened!

So what did I have to do now?  There was quite a bit of gore, should that be cleaned up? What if people walked past and slipped? Mmm. The two bus tickets I could see were still clutched in my tightly-held fist. Should I let Mitzi and Bruno know that we were going to be late, maybe that we wouldn’t get there for the celebration, not to wait, start without us. I checked my back pocket but just a smattering of broken black plastic, a vinyl cover and glass fragments remained of the phone.

I looked down again and noticed the mess all over Katie’s new outfit. She was going to be really pissed, when she notices. And the bouquet, again looks like it is totally ruined, the rose petals have scattered and were blowing down the road! I think I remember being told that preen and a cold water soaking will fix the stains.

Gawd here comes the cavalry! Low and medium-pitched nee-naws are in the distance, getting closer, and louder! Ah, a different siren, I reckon that’ll be the cops. Funny how ya don’t really differentiate the siren noises but if ya listen, yep they are quite different! The cops are higher pitched, more intense, maybe!

Let’s get outta here, those people all rubber-necking, the ambo’s and now the cops. The rain is starting to get heavier. With a bit of luck, we should be able to hitchhike to Mitzi’s – yer we’ll be a bit late but better late than never!

Those bastards just about ran us over, didn’t even acknowledge us as they sped by. Its been a while but the ol’ finger should get somebody to slow, to take a chance on us. Jees, another bugger. Do ya reckon they see us? Hey watch it, jees that was too close.

We should walk for a while, put some distance between us and that mob of high viz jackets, sirens and the crowd. I reckon that’s spokin’ the drivers.

Is that snow? That’s why it has gone so quiet, but funny, it doesn’t seem to be all that cold? Despite the rip, the jacket still seems to be keeping the worst of the weather off. You OK? Righto.

A few corners, it’s a lot quieter, still background drama off a bit somewhere but I’ll try the finger again. There’s an incredibly bright light down the road. It’s getting closer, bloody truckie, lights on high beam but I can’t hear the truck! That light is getting brighter, God that is bright and I still can’t hear the truck!

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